The article originally appeared here. It’s hard to believe that restaurants fortunate enough to survive the pandemic are now facing […]
Tag: artificial intelligence
How AI can help SMBs and workers make the $15 minimum wage transition
A minimum-wage law is, in reality, a law that makes it illegal for an employer to hire a person with limited skills. Milton Friedman
AI, COVID and the Acceleration of Digital Transformation for Restaurants
COVID-19 caused a fundamental shift in the way restaurants operate…
Predicting Restaurant Needs Through AI
The restaurant industry leaned on technology solutions in 2020, adopting them at a record pace. The Main Course is always keen to talk about some of these revolutions.
Spoon Taking Its Eastside Operation Southside For Its Brand New Location
Spoon is part of a growing base of restaurants leaning on their digital presence to grow amid the pandemic using services like iOrder. “We help brick-and-mortar stores and restaurants accelerate their digital transformation using the power of Artificial Intelligence to drive growth, leveraging their customer’s data,” Jerry Abiog of iOrder said.
Restaurant Experts’ 2021 Outlook, Part One
“As restaurants begin to gather more data, we will see the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) implementation to drive safety and growth.”
How AI is Going to Disrupt the Restaurant, Hospitality and Alcoholic Beverage Industries
Podcast summary from the The Drunken Grape Show by wine and beer sommelier, Rob Statham. Rob: Good morning morning, evening, […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Contactless Menus Can Help Restaurants
Article originally appeared here. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a computer to think and act like a human. It learns from […]
AI Driven Digital Menus – Best Served Smart
Listen or watch this episode if you are a restaurateur who values being data driven to drive growth during these […]
Marketing Timing And Trends Impact Product Management – How iOrder Was Born
Excerpts from the Everyday Innovator podcast (named one of the ’10 Best Podcasts for Designers and Innovators by Inc.) by Chad McAllister, […]