Most frequent questions and answers
Can be done manually, CSV file, or in some cases, an API connector. Once finished, you’ll receive a uniquelink specific to your restaurant – yourrestaurant.iorder.menu
No. We connect to your current payment gateway like PayPal. Once customer pays, it’s deposited to your account as agreed by your current merchant services provider.
We can set up text or email. Text is the preferred method.
Back end is easily configurable on your tablet. Everything is cloud based. You have the ability to add and/or delete menu items. Once done, it’ll be automatically reflected on the front end.
Yes. It can even make food, drink suggestions based on weather. This can help improve customer experience, prevent customer indecision, and tells the customer what to do next. Results in higher check totals and quicker turnover of tables. Much needed with social distancing protocols are slashing revenues.
Security and your happiness is of our utmost concern. We provide end to end encryption.
Yes. Often times, relevant, data-driven customer engagement can be the difference between a restaurant succeeding or failing in today’s business climate.